How far can the corona virus infected droplets reach after sneezing?
Posted by Arms Control Center in INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, tags: biological, chemical, corona, corona virus, infection, mask, radiological, sneezing, substances, virusContrary to popular belief, the argument that a mask is not required if a fair amount of distance is kept between people (approximately two or three meters) is wrong due to the fact that sneezing without any barriers (mask, hand, handkerchief, etc.) can actually spread the corona virus (by infected droplets and aerosol) about five meters away (01:56) and even further if an air current is present. Related courses on chemical/biological/radiological substance dispersion are taught through the e-learning of the University of Athens. https://elearningekpa.gr/courses/security-management-cbrne-epistimonikos-dieuthuntis-asfaleias?fbclid=IwAR2VePdcLBalYndAsDBFZarLpwSN2Wdse8FP7TAPobWpSIwxK2q6C3k7SXk