
An upgraded Cargo Dragon spacecraft has been launched to ISS by SpaceX
Posted by Arms Control Center in CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS, tags: International Space Station, ISS, Kennedy, mission, Nanoracks Bishop Airlock, NASA, SpaceX CRS-21 Dragon Cargo Craft, USThe SpaceX CRS-21 Dragon Cargo Craft mission to the International Space Station has launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center that is situated Florida. The commercial cargo provider is filled with supplies and payloads, including critical materials to directly support dozens of probes happening in the ISS, as stated by NASA. While the station’s Expeditions 64 and 65 are taking place, more than 250 science and research investigations are set to occur. The Nanoracks Bishop Airlock, an airtight segment used for the transfer of payloads between the inside and outside of the station will be transported by the Dragon’s non pressurized trunk. It is estimated that the spacecraft will spend about one month attached to the space station before it returns to Earth.