The Chemical Weapon Sarin in Syria – Effects and Antidotes
Posted by Arms Control Center in WMD, tags: Atropine, chemical weapons, Civil War, gas attack, Sarin, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Syrian Revolution
Unfortunately, the authorities in Syria seemed unprepared for a Sarin gas attack and thus EKEO and the Hellenic Security Advisors deem necessary to present a small extract from wikipedia which focuses on the effects of Sarin and its antidotes: “The chemical weapon Sarin used in Syria is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, a protein that degrades the neurotransmitter acetylcholine after it is released into the synaptic cleft. In vertebrates, acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter used at the neuromuscular junction, where signals are transmitted between neurons from the central nervous systems to muscle fibres. Normally, acetylcholine is released from the neuron to stimulate the muscle, after which it is degraded by acetylcholinesterase, allowing the muscle to relax. A build-up of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft, due to the inhibition of cholinesterase, means the neurotransmitter continues to act on the muscle fibre, so that any nerve impulses are effectively continually transmitted. Death will usually occur as a result of asphyxia due to the inability of the muscles involved in breathing to function.
Even at very low concentrations, sarin can be fatal. Death may follow in one minute after direct ingestion of a lethal dose unless antidotes, typically atropine and pralidoxime, are quickly administered. Atropine, an antagonist to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, is given to treat the physiological symptoms of poisoning. Since muscular response to acetylcholine is mediated through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, atropine does not counteract the muscular symptoms. Pralidoxime can regenerate cholinesterases if administered within approximately five hours. Biperiden, a synthetic acetylcholine antagonist, has been suggested as an alternative to atropine due to its better blood–brain barrier penetration and higher efficacy”
Source wikipedia