The Athens Metro bomb in Greece - Images & AnalysisThe Police released images of the Incendiary bomb found in an empty carriage of the Athens Metro in Greece. The failed terrorist bomb was claimed by an unknown group which calls itself “Urban Guerrilla”. The images show a very familiar environment to everyday passengers of the Athens Metro thus it is easy to visualize the following analysis. All initial fears for a sophisticated bomb were dispelled as from the images shown it is easy to realize that the IED was primitive and probably faulty. The entire so-called IED was placed in a green bag which was sealed so that no one could see its content. The Hellenic Arms Control Center (HACC) believes that device was primitive and raises an eyebrow as to the true intentions of the person who left it in the carriage. The IED obviously consists of an analog clock whose hands would touch each other at the right time to close the circuit which was powered by a few ordinary batteries. At the top of the plastic container there is a small white elongated object believed to be plastic explosives connected with the two wires (black and red) of the circuit. The explosive material was attached to the handle of the plastic container by means of black insulation tape. In such assembly, once the circuit is closed the explosives detonate spreading the flammable material around ground zero. HACC experts are not sure that the explosive dispersion of the flammable material would also turn the device into an incendiary one as the liquid might not ignite during the dispersion. Such IEDs are more effective when the fire starts after the liquid has been dispersed or at least when the liquid is dispersed at a slow speed such as in the case of Molotov cocktails
Therefore, HACC concludes that the device seems to be indeed an IED which could cause injure due to the explosion, however its incendiary effects are questionable.

The Athens Metro bomb in Greece - Images & Analysis

The Athens Metro bomb in Greece - Images & Analysis

The Athens Metro bomb in Greece - Images & Analysis


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