Spectrum Analyzer testing GPS Jammer – Electrosmog
Posted by Arms Control Center in SPECIAL WEAPONS, tags: Aaronia Spectrum Analyzer, Electrosmog, GPS, GPS Jammer, High Frequency Electrosmog, Jamming, Measuring Electrosmog, Measuring EMF, Spectrum AnalyzerEKEO is using a Spectrum Analyzer to measure the electromagnetic field of a GPS Jammer. The Hellenic Arms Control Center (EKEO) participated in a workshop held at the Hellenic Air Force Academy as a research partner of the Hellenic Army Military ACademy. At the exhibition stand of the Hellenic Army Military Academy (outside the amphitheater were the workshop took place) the Director of EKEO Assoc. Professor Dr. Theodore Liolios (Hellenic Army Military Academy) demonstrated how the spectrum analyzer is used to measure the high frequency electromagnetic field of a GPS Jammer (held in the video by a young air force officer). One can observe that at a distance of the power flux a few centimeters the GPS Jammer generates a power flux of up to 100 mW per square meter (mW/m2) when the maximum permissible limits are approximately 1-3 Watts per square meter. Jamming devices are radio frequency transmitters that intentionally block, jam, or interfere with lawful communications, such as cell phone calls, text messages, GPS systems, and Wi-Fi networks.